Support TBR by Joining the RECAPtain Family!

RECAPtains are what we call those of you who help financially support TBR, and in return we give you extra access to more levels of TBR goodies like: our other daily podcast (The Bible Kneecap), monthly bonus content, daily episode transcripts, Q&R options, and our RECAPtain Facebook group!

Welcome to the RECAPtain Family!

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Official Facebook Group

/ month

TBR Transcripts

/ month

Bonus Content

/ month

The Bible KNEEcap

/ month

Combo (Bonus Content + The Bible KNEEcap)

/ month

Question & Response

/ month

Super RECAPtains

/ month

Payment methods: Credit Card
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About The Bible Recap

If you've ever closed your Bible and thought, "What did I just read?", The Bible Recap is for you! We follow the 1-Year Chronological Plan (free on the Bible app), then recap each day's reading with a casual summary and highlight reel. You can start anytime! It’s a great tool to help you not only read the Bible, but understand it and love reading it!

Join us, then invite a friend to join YOU!
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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I listen to subscriber-exclusive podcasts and content?
How do I get in touch?
What is Supercast?
Can I send a subscription as a gift?
How do I cancel my subscription?